Standard Introductory Presentations

These presentations entitled ‘Common Presentationsunder the sub-communityTraining Presentations” in the WHOAS collections are applicable to all marine mammals and core to starting any training session.

There are 5 training objectives covered in this module:

  1. Human Health and Safety
  2. Report and Record a Stranding Event
  3. First Response
  4. Data Recording
  5. Photo Documentation

In addition, we provide an overview on 1) ‘Capacity Building Considerations’ regarding where to conduct stranding response training workshops, and 2) ‘Structural Elements of a Stranding Network’, for individuals and institutions interested in setting up stranding networks.


Sea lion release. Source: The Marine Mammal Center


Woods Hole Open Access Server

This link takes you to the Marine Mammal Stranding Response repository on the Woods Hole Open Access Server (WHOAS). You will need to register on that site to download content and training materials that are housed there. This will be a one-time registration process.

Continue to the Woods Hole Open Access Server.